My Boss is trying to conduct our company like a Freemason Lodge!

I was checking my track-back links and found the most amazing search phrase used to get to my website. Apparently, I am the number one link on the Internet for the phrase "My Boss is trying to conduct our company like a Freemason Lodge"
Sometimes it just amazes me at the things people will type into an Internet search engine.
As long as I'm doing a track-back post, here are some other recent phrases that drew traffic to this site.
"how to become a freemason" (number one hit on Google)
"Can a Freemason join the Catholic Church?" (number 3 hit on Google)
"Craig Ferguson is a Freemason" (number one hit on AOL search; and, for the record, I have no idea whether Craig Ferguson is or is not a Freemason. The link comes here simply because *I* am a Freemason and a Craig Ferguson fan.)
"scientific proof that we are going through a fourth dimension" (number 11 hit on Google)
"getting naked in the shriners initiation process" (number 11 hit on Google)
"should a christian become a freemason" (number one hit on Google)
"inventor archer quinn" (number 9 hit on Google)
"caffeine stomach problems" (number two hit on Google)
"dr steven greer proves aliens are on earth" (number three hit on Google)
"why freemasons can't be christians" (number one hit on Google)
"The Lions club" mystic ritual" (number one hit on Google.
"hydroxy booster myth" (number two hit on Google)