Troy DeMolay Newsletter

I figure I might as well make a brief update this evening: I had a short business trip on Thursday and Friday which was unusual since I rarely take really 'short' trips; I much prefer to have a little bit of time to enjoy myself.
On this trip I worked most of the day on Thursday at the office and then, in the afternoon, went to the airport. I boarded the plane, travelled to Dallas, had a short layover, and then flew to Houston. On the short leg of the trip I got to fly first class and was suprised to see Isaac Bruce sitting a few rows behind me. Once we got to Houston we drove to our Hotel, found a TGI Friday's for dinner, and then packed it in. In the morning we left for our meeting which went straight up until 3:30pm and we rushed out the door to get to the airport only, then, to sit in rush hour traffic. We barely made the flight and, once we arrived in Dallas realized we had a three hour layover. We spent this time in the Ambassador's Club, which was quite a treat. When we arrived at the gate we found out our plane had a mechanical failure and our boarding was delayed about an hour while they brought in another plane that, hopefully, had more functioning parts. I arrived home at about 2am Friday evening. It was quite surreal to realize that 'just yesterday afternoon I had been at the office.' It felt like I had been gone for a much longer time simply because of all of the driving, flying, meetings, dinners, and other details of travel.
On Saturday evening our friend Dave McNeil celebrated his 50th birthday party at the community association clubhouse. It was a great party with a huge attendance. Everyone had a great time; I especially enjoyed talking to Jeff and Kelly Mosley throughout the evening as well are our friends Lenny and Diane.
I spent Sunday trying to put together a newsletter for Troy DeMolay. My attempts at trying to use Microsoft Word to create a newsletter about drove me nuts; it is literally useless for this purpose. I went out to Walmart to buy a copy of Microsoft Publisher, but they didn't have it. Instead I found a product called 'Art Explosion Publisher Pro' for less than $50. It comes with many high quality templates and I am quite happy with it. Here is a link to the public version of the newsletter I produced today.
So, while this past week wasn't really all that eventful, I can't say the same for the one upcoming. I did something to my knee, some kind of tendon thing or something, and I'm going to have to lay off of tennis for a few weeks to let it heal.
On Tuesday evening I am going to attend a Masonic funeral for one of the members of our lodge who passed away. On Friday I am doing a movie showing of 'The Rapture' for my discussion group. On Saturday I have to get everything ready for the Sweetheart interviews and coronation on Sunday. In the evening I have to take a bunch of the guys from DeMolay chapter to the Rainbow Girls installation. On Sunday we are going to have our Sweetheart Interviews, Coronation, and Installation of Officers which is going to be performed by Troy Lodge. We will have a great meal afterwards and then head home for a Super Bowl party at our friends house.
While this post is largly devoid of any kind of interesting commentary I find, yet once again, that my busy social calendar is keeping me entertained.