Most Worshipful Senior Programmer

(The Grand Lodge of the State of Washington. Many of whom I was fortunate enough to meet on my last visit to Seattle)
This was my first week at my new job. I spent most of the time just get myself settled in. The new office is simply amazing and the commute is such a breeze. I was able to attend a number of meetings after work during the week and it felt so great not having to rush or be worried about traffic.
One interesting event that happened this past week was when this blog got linked by a number of conspiracy websites; one day drawing almost a thousand visitors to the site. I was pleased to see that my AdSense account is now up to a whole $26!! Man, that would buy a few premium beers. In fact, I have determined that any AdSense revenue I ever receive will go soley to buying myself beers. Yeah, I know I should give it to charity, but I give to charity all of the time. This is my reward for posting all of this nonsense on the Internet. As most of you know, my posts are generally much more lively after I have tipped back a few anyway.
A small issue comes up now that I find myself in a new position. What should my job title be? I asked my new boss and his answer was simply, "Come on John, you know we don't have job titles around here." Simutronics has a very relaxed lifestyle and I enjoy coming to work each day having several dogs and a couple of cats running around the office.
At my last position my job title was 'Principal Engineer'. I would mess up over and over again and write 'Principle Engineer' since, afterall, I like to think of myself as a man of high principles. The title 'Principal' meant that I was 'one of the first' engineers with the company, which I was, and I like being called an engineer since I think it alludes to my ability to be a problem solver.
At Sony my job title was 'Senior Technology Architect'. I always thought that a bit of an odd title, half thinking I should show up to work with blueprints and a drafting table.
At Simutronics it seems I have the ability to give myself my own job title. After much thought on the matter I have decided that my new business cards will read:
Most Worshipful Senior Programmer
Simutronics Corporation
Yeah, I like the sound of that...