Robert Anton Wilson Moves On

Robert Anton Wilson has passed from this world and has been enfolded back into the implicate order from which he came.
I cannot say enough how much this man has meant to me in my life. I am so gratified that he left this world knowing how deeply he was loved and how much he touched the world community at large. Recently, as I posted on this blog, a call was made for donations to help him pass from this world with dignity and within his own home. Not only did I donate but so did tens of thousands of others on the Internet. The outpouring of love that came from that simple request touched him deeply at a time when he was feeling somehwat forgotten and alone.
In my personal opinion Robert Anton Wilson is the single greatest philosopher of the past century. He has done so much to bring a form of enlightenment to humanity in a time when mankind often remains trapped in all manner of fundamentalist reality tunnels.
It is with deep affection that I note his passing and I hope he finds his continued presence within the implicate order of infinite possibility, that is Universe, a liberating playground for his nimble mind.
Goodbye Brother Wilson
Here is a nice article about his passing.
A selection of obscure Robert Anton Wilson essays.
10 Zen Monkeys