The New Masonic Temple building, where my lodge Naphtali #25 meets once a month, just got showcased on "Show Me St. Louis" KSDK channel 5!
You can view the story online from this link!!
How very exciting! This is the 80th year anniversary of the dedication of the Temple in October of 1926. This October I hope to be able to give an eductional lecture about the building of the temple based on materials I am slowly gathering.
One final note for anyone who wanders into this place....
This is my personal web log! It is filled with photographs of my children, my vacations, and my random thoughts. It is not 'official' in any way and, even though I may talk about subjects of interest to me in my personal life (Freemasonry, DeMolay, or the Temple), it does not represent any sanctioned material.
I babble on here about comparative religion, UFOs, history, philosophy, and all manner of nonsense. There is nothing on this website that is particularily 'profane', but plenty of it would meet the text-book definition of 'weird' by most community standards.
Last night I made a brief post comparing Leprachauns to UFO aliens only to have it get picked up by a major UFO news service. All day long I have been getting streams of traffic from the UFO review website which, by the way, happens to contain an eclectic selection of news bytes and other trivia.
So, if you stumbled across this web log from any of a wide variety of sources, please don't take anything here too seriously. In the worst case just look at the pretty pictures and avoid the weird words....