After some effort, the vast bulk of the links on this blog are now fixed. Nearly all of the embedded images are repaired now. Even though it is almost certainly not worth the time, trouble, and effort, to read through all of the crap I have written over the past three years on this site, it is actually quite entertaining to review the photographs. They tell an interesting visual story.

I will have to remember to keep taking photographs as I engage in regular activities in my life so I will have them available for upload to help the narrative flow.

Today I am doing a DeMolay activity. I am first going to the Wentzville Rainbow Girls installation at our lodge and then, next, heading up to Troy Lodge for their Chilli dinner and the DeMolay chapter will be helping with cleanup.

Tomorrow I have no specific plans for the SuperBowl. I am considering going up to the Shrine since none of my friends are throwing any big parties or anything.


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