The Army of the 12 Monkey's is alive and well. I haven't been sick, like really sick, in years. Even my wife, who considers me a whiney bitch, agreed that this was the case. It was hard not to think of the attack on my body as a form of spiritual attack. Here I found this evil virus attacking me, attempting to wreak destruction, havok, and mayhem on my corporeal being. It was indeed like an attack of a demonic force trying to rip my self-hood assunder.

This vile virus was most likely spawned somewhere deep in the bowels of Thialand; a place where one of my co-workers recently returned. He arrived, transporting the virus in his own body; a modern day typhoid Mary. He shows up at work, after his long travels, and quickly infects one of his co-workers. Four days later, I begin to feel the virus invade my being. Last week was a busy time with Freemason activities and, I fear, that I may have infected any number of senior citizens, upstanding members of our local communities, as I ritually shook hands at our meetings. Since the commpany I work for is international, chances are it will infect our Zurich office and, I just learned at lunch, that it is has already infected employees in Austin and San Francisco.

I am now recovering from this scourge but I am still not operating at 100% peak efficiency. I took Friday off of work last week and actually spent the whole day in bed. Saturday and Sunday, I did pretty much the same thing. Yesterday I actually did come into the office to 'work', only to find out that my right hand man, James Dolan, had succumbed to the infectious agent. I was operating somewhere around 40% yesterday, and got a little bit of work done. Today it is something like 60% and I am, hopefully, well on the road to recovery. However, the remains of the infection have settled into my chest and become a case of bronchitis. I had shortness of breath, a hacking cough, and was worried that it would only worsen, possibly developing into pnemonia if I didn't do something about it. So, I called my family doctor, a personal friend, and conned him into prescribing me some antibiotics over the phone. Of course, with these new viral strains, drug comapnies have been creating ever more powerful antibiotics that doctors keep as secret weapons. No longer do you get the basics, instead you get somthing that is a slickly packaged targeted time bomb attack. The prescription for a five day course of antibiotics called 'Ketek' was $100; of which $25 was my co-pay.

I expect in a few days these powerful drugs will have me back up to speed having killed not only this viral infection but any number of other nasty bugs I had lurking in the deep tissues of my middle aged body.


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