Ok, I finally have an online portfolio! I just finished scanning in about 20 sketches. The bulk of these are from my 'Nagel' period. This was one summer when I was doing sketeches from magazines of beautiful women. It was a period where I was trying to hone my skills at capturing the beauty of a woman in as few lines as possible. However, after finishing this exercise I came to realize I wasn't doing much of anything but copying someone elses artwork; primarily that of the photographer. I think it was a good learning exercise, but nothing more. Later on I focused on figure drawing from live models. I look forward to scanning in a few of the pieces I kept from my last class.

This collection here is the most conventional work you will see from me. The bulk of my artwork is outrageously surreal. It really is my nature to draw 'strange things'. Two of my favorite artists are, of course, Salvador Dali and Yves Tanguy.

This is really fun for me because I only framed about five of my pieces and even those are sitting somewhere in the attic. Most of this stuff is in a nasty pile slowly degrading over time in a big folder underneath my bed. It sure is nice to see it scanned in, cleaned up, and accessible online. I know it will inspire me to do some new work before the year is out.

Meanwhile, this is just a fraction of my portfolio in its entirety. I will scan and upload as time warrants over the coming weeks. My earliest pieces are from high school art class. However, my mom still has some of the drawings I did in childhood, including the times I got published in the local newspaper. I will really enjoy scanning those in and putting them on the web.

Here is the link to my online portfolio.


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