Tomorrow morning, early, my wife and I will be leaving for San Diego. We will be attending the annual Christmas party for Sony Online Entertainment employees. Even though I have already turned in my letter or resignation, I am still going to be allowed to attend the party. And, why not? I put in my time this year. We will be staying at a nice resort hotel through Sunday and I intend to try to enjoy it. At the party on Saturday night I will have the opportunity to say my goodbyes to all of my co-workers and to the executives who made all of the decisions that changed my life over these last four years.

In a recent post I mentioned that we are not having our annual big blow-out Christmas party and gift exchange. However, my wife just mentioned that we do not currently have anything scheduled for Saturday December 20th. So, while we are not throwing our big Christmas bash, we may have a more relaxed evening and movie showing that night. Let me know if you are interested.


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