We had a great Halloween evening. We really didn't have that many individual trick-or-treaters, but roving bands of kids would come by every 30 minutes or so. We set up the movie screen in front of the house and showed "The Wizard of Oz". It was very well received by all. On several occasions I had huge groups of kids spontaneously break out into song when they recognized a tune. Once, two little girls came by and just sat down in the grass and started watching the movie. Their exasperated father told them it was time to go, and the little girl curtly responded, "Daddy, we're watching a movie!"
After the trick-or-treating was over, we showed my brand new scope print of "Ghostbusters" in our newly remodelled basement-home-theatre. We finally got most of my movie posters up on the walls, and it looks fantastic down there.
This morning I purchased a 1997 BMW 328i convertible, red, with stick shift, and only 55,000 miles for the low-low price of only $18,800. It's already parked in the garage, and an excellent investment. I'll take a few photographs later.
Here are some images from last night. You will have to imagine in your minds eye how cool this looked walking past on the street and projected onto the front of the house, an 11ft diagnonal image.

After the trick-or-treating was over, we showed my brand new scope print of "Ghostbusters" in our newly remodelled basement-home-theatre. We finally got most of my movie posters up on the walls, and it looks fantastic down there.
This morning I purchased a 1997 BMW 328i convertible, red, with stick shift, and only 55,000 miles for the low-low price of only $18,800. It's already parked in the garage, and an excellent investment. I'll take a few photographs later.
Here are some images from last night. You will have to imagine in your minds eye how cool this looked walking past on the street and projected onto the front of the house, an 11ft diagnonal image.