Today is the one year anniversay of this Blog. I began this Blog a year ago in memory of Suz Dodd.
Suz was a dear friend of mine, and a beautiful person. Even after I stopped working with her I was always able to keep in touch by reading her Blog. Even when I went for months without a phone call or conversation I still felt connected to Suz by reading her thoughts in her journals. Suz was missed then and still in my heart today.
I began this blog in her memory. In the last year of writing this blog I have found that I stay in much closer touch with many of my friends scattered around the country who drop by from time to time and read my journal. This journal has been personally rewarding because it acts as a great helper for my weak and flawed memory. Over the last few months I began to make it more of a photo journal because I enjoy having pictures to accompany the words when I try to remember the times of my life. Over this last year I have had movie showings and great times with my kids all recorded here for me to recall even years in the future.
So, thank you Suz, for being the beautiful person you are. I miss you and still think of you every time I write a journal entry. I ask you to remind your other friends to update their own journals more often so we can continue to connect with their lives the way we did with you.