Help, I'm being attacked by a straw man!

Trent took time today to respond to my previous post. Somehow, though, I feel like a whole bunch of straw men suddenly entered the fray because it feels like he is debating against things I neither said, nor believe. I will take the time to reply nonetheless. First of all, I think Trent misunderstood the tone of the previous post. It was one of slight exasperation. I find it mildly amusing that such a brilliant individual can work so hard to make something which is so simple seem so complex. It is not. We each exercise and experience free will a thousand times a day. I am doing it right now as I choose which words to use as I type, as well as make choices in where I will make corrections and edits. I am exercising free will. It seems to require some remarkably convoluted logic to take something which is so apparently simple and obvious and try to obfuscate it with a bunch of references to other topics which have nothing to do with the personal experience of free will at all. I feel it ...