The Secret of the Bullshit Revealed

I realize I have reached the point where I should just 'drop this', and I'm pretty much ready to. However, after a spate of comments on this blog today I thought, hey, maybe I was a bit to harsh? Maybe I'm sending out too many negative vibes into the Universe by being critical of Ms. Oprah and Mr. Crowley?
So, I clicked on the following google video link and watched the first twenty minutes of 'The Secret' for myself.
Suddenly I realize I was far too kind. Every comment I made about materialism was valid. Every comment I made about bullshit marketing and packaging was dead on accurate. Whenever one of the commentators attempts to wrap any of this into a 'scientific' context bullshit spews forth like a bird regurgitating to fill its nest.
Watch it and draw your own opinions. I now stand firmly behind everything I said before.
Finally, I must close with the following disclaimer. Thinking in a positive way *is* a good principle upon which to conduct your life. Just don't assume that a necklace, car, new job, or any other material good will manifest itself in front of your eyes.
The greatest magicians of the world have sacrificed untold chicken entrails and have never achieved that level of success.