Meet Aleister Crowley and Oprah Winfrey

Last night, I had a few beers and went off on a rant about Oprah and 'The Secret'. You would think I would be done with the topic, that I would have gotten it out of my system but, sadly, I have not. It seems I still have a few beers left in the ice box. Last night my pet peeve was the notion that any of this stuff was 'secret' and I expressed my dislike with the way this material has been marketed.
I also said that it was largely 'harmless' since I never waste a lot of time and energy arguing against any philosophy that promotes the benefit of 'positive thinking'. I can't argue too hard, since I believe sincerely that it is better to be a positive person than a negative person. Also, deep down inside, I actually subscribe to a lot of the concepts that are regurgitated in 'The Secret' so my critique has to be a bit more complex than simply saying 'hey, that's a load of New Age bullshit.'
My follow up post today focuses on just how completely wrong the scam artists behind 'The Secret' have gotten it. What I completely failed to address yesterday is the fact that the publishers of this material, and its most recent cheerleader Oprah Winfrey, are promoting a corrupted version of 'The Mysteries'.
In fact, the version they are promoting has only one strong adherent and that is Aleister Crowley. I am not, personally, a big fan of Crowley. I figure, if somebody promotes a spiritual philosophy then they ought to, at the least, lead a life that I might admire or respect. Admiration and respect are rather the last things I think about when I consider the life of Aleister Crowley.
Now, let me get to the heart of the matter. In Freemasonry, and many other versions of The Mysteries, we are taught that above and beyond anything else, to reach spiritual enlightment one must first show devotion to deity and, second, practice charity. In says simply that besides honoring God our number one duty is to express charity to our fellow man and to care for the needs of our brother above and beyond any other duty. I need not recite all of the Freemason ritual on this forum, anyone can read it online if they care, but this is the heart of our devotion.
We do not teach that desire, acquisition, obsession, or any other focus on our personal gain is, in any way, a path to spiritual advancement.
Meanwhile, 'The Secret' says that if you use the 'Laws of Attraction' and wish hard enough you can get any material gain you might want in your life. Today, doing some web searches, I stumbled accross numerous posts on message forums where the 'take-away' concept was just that.
In this way we find Oprah in leauge with the famed magician Aleister Crowley, a foul human being in my personal opinion, who after a life time of embroiling himself in occult thought finally came to the conclusion that there was only one rule that each human spirit must follow.
"Do what thou whilst shall be the whole of the law."
In short, do whatever the hell you want, to achieve whatever you want, and that is your only compulsion to achieve power in this life.
Many ammend, in their mind at least, to have the statement read "Do what thou whilst shall be the whole of the law; so long as you harm no other."
Now, it doesn't originally say that, but I can grant it is somewhat implied. However, where in this philosophy does it compell us to go good in the world? To dedicate ourselves to others rather than ourselves?
I am extremely disturbed that Oprah has adopted this perverted version of 'The Mysteries' and is promoting it in the mainstream media as a way to get yourself a new car, of a hundred dollar bill lying on the road or any other poor excuse for energy transfer. How sad and pathetic in my opinion.
I know that Oprah does do some good things in the world. Then again, she has entire episodes of her show devoted to showering material wealth on others. It's not like she is even doing that much of a charitable act since these gifts are usually provided as promotional items by advertisers. And, even if it was her own money, where is the self-sacrifice? How about Oprah donate millions of dollars *anonymously*. That sounds much more like something a follower of the real 'secret' might do.
Is Oprah's obsession with material wealth and aquisition something we should commend? Is her version of 'Do What Thou Whilst Shall be the Whole of the Law" any better than Crowley's?
Are the authors of this book helping mankind by telling them that the great spiritual secret that has been held for millenia is about acquiring material wealth, fame, and personal gain?
The mysteries do have a goal of elevating mankind, but we do it one person at a time. Not by going onto national television and telling the audience that if they 'wish hard enough' a new car will magickly show up in their driveway.
There are two basic types of Magick practice. High magick and low magic. I'm afraid to say that Oprah has been hoodwinked into only seeing the coarser of the two.
Low-Magick is the kind espoused by 'The Secret' as well as 'Tony Robbins', 'Aleister Crowley' and others. Low magick is that crass form which attempts to transform will into material changes in reality; usually for selfish means. I need a new car, a bigger house, or more money. Just wish and it shall be yours.
High-Magick, is when the will is transormed for the benefit of humanity in the form of spirtual growth. It is expressed through charity, love, and brotherhood for your fellow man.
I'm sad to see Oprah has been duped by this crass commercialization as packaged in the form of 'The Secret'. I hope she will realize that the power of positive thinking has a higher purpose than a new pair of blue suede shoes.
In closing I will include this link to a blog post that comes a bit closer to explaining the concept of 'The Secret'.
Wow! Rarely do I take a moment to respond to the many interesting blogs that I follow, but I feel somewhat compelled here.
First, I definitely appreciate what you are saying and believe it to be materially true.
However, I must say that if it were not for the gross commercialism of the Da Vinci code (*gasp* I said it), I would not have started off on my journey as a Freemason until who knows when.
Perhaps it was timing...I believe I was ripe for the situation, looking for something higher. There is no question in my mind that Dan Brown is a good writer of fiction...yet, he opened my eyes to things I wasn't even aware of. Two years later, I must say that I feel very blessed to be part of this fraternity. In fact, tomorrow night I will be raised to MM. I couldn't be more excited.
So, yes, it is disgusting how subjects of this type are marketed to the masses. However, I do believe that if it strikes a chord with but a few, then good can come of it. The rest will forget about it as soon as the next Hollywood blockbuster comes along.
What made you view the world differently?
I suppose you may be right. Even with the crass materialism and obnoxious marketing compaign perhaps it will still manage to open some minds and send people on a new path.
In answer to you question: "What made you view the world differently?"
Mostly the writing of Robert Anton Wilson, starting out with 'The New Inquisition' and 'Cosmic Trigger'.
Later on it was the writing found in the so called 'Seth' material.
Congratulations on your raising Brother Carter, I'm sure you will treasure the experience for a long time to come.
Brother John
P.S. I know my post was a little bit over the top. THat was kind of on purpose. It was a bit of a troll for the people jumping onto the Oprah bandwagon. I figure let it sit out in the cybersphere for a month or so and something interesting might come of it.
I know you say that 'the secret' isn't actually a secret, but I think that depends on your perspective - if you know it, then it's not a secret, and if you don't, then it is a secret. Seeing that there are quite a few unhappy people in this country alone, based on depression rates etc., it seems like 'the secret' to living a happy and fulfilling life (let me finish) is a secret to the majority of people in our country.
I personally believe, as do people like Tony Robbins, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, etc., that happiness is a choice despite our circumstances. "The Secret" specifically says you must become happy first, not seek things to make you happy. Whether you believe in a specific form of God or in no God - aren't we meant to be happy - don't we serve others best when we ourselves are happy? If you look for happiness in things without considering anything deeper (materialism) you will never find happiness. But Oprah and the people from "The Secret" repeatedly said, "How can I serve?" - Oprah said she doesn't need any more shoes, she does her show because she feels she makes a positive difference in viewers' lives.
The movie, "The Secret" also specifically says, "I'm not talking about wishful thinking" etc. It's not about wishing for a new car or a prettier girlfriend or anything like that, and those who think it's about that and try to do it won't have much success. On the Oprah show, James Arthur Ray said, "It's not 'If you build it they will come,' it's 'If you build it and it provides value, they will come'" - meaning do what you enjoy and what is useful to others and you will find success (a successful life to me simply means you are truly happy - true happiness doesn't come from anywhere but yourself - people can have stuff and be happy or miserable and people can not have stuff and be happy or miserable - it's not the stuff that gives them emotion, it's the emotion they choose).
Furthermore, materialism is defined as seeking material things with little or no interest in spirituality and ethics, however "The Secret" movie highly emphasizes spirituality, as in God is everything and everyone etc. (not an organized religion), so "The Secret" is not promoting materialism, but promoting happiness and seeking happiness in and of itself and getting people excited about life again.
Also, I think it's good that Oprah sets an example to others by giving non-anonymously - she holds a lot of valuable influence in the world. I believe she does more good by giving using her name (because she gets others to give as well in doing so), than if she gave anonymously. That's what good celebrities do - they use their powers for good by saying, "Look, I'm giving and you can too."
The only problem I see with not giving anonymously (although it's always better to give than to not) is when the giver is more interested in their personal gains from their act of giving.
Sorry for rambling, or if my comments were scattered and unorganized, but it's hard to write at lengths in a 2-inch box :-)
I enjoyed reading your opinions and I love discussing these topics, so please come back to and comment my blog entries (I have lots) - BlueButterfly.
Thank you for your response. The Seth material sounds intriguing...might just add it to my growing reading list.
As for your post being over the top, to that I say "bring it!" Whether or not your argument had validity, if nothing else, it succeeds in provoking a conversation. I love this kind of stuff!
Bro. Carter
Thanks so much for your thoughtful response. I think you make a lot of excellent points and you may well be correct that the teachings in 'The Secret' are not as materialistic as I have made it out to sound here.
I would argue with your comment about the 'secret' nature of any of this. These 'secrets' are available in numerous forms from many sources.
We only maintain an aura of secrecy even surrounding our Freemason ritual. All of our ceremonies are published and dissected in thousands of books.
More specifically the teachings of Seth have been available for almost 40 years and have influenced generations during that time.
I think the secret is 'secret' simply because people are enmeshed in fundamentalist paradigms and never even consider asking questions they thought they already had the answer for.
There is a phrase 'Seeker of Light' and, I suppose, if somebody watching an episode of Oprah ends up going on their own spiritual path that might actually be a good thing.
Brother John
Unfortunately, it's true that many people don't give a moment's thought to their spiritual growth. I don't mean going to church, I mean thinking about how they are impacting those around them.
Unbelievably, at lodge last night, one brother said that the best way die was "in debt." Yup, he actually espoused the "he with the most toys, wins" claim, and seemed to be sincerely amazed when I told him that I live simply, and have no desire to have any debt to anyone when I die, financial or otherwise.
Some of us believe in making the world a better place in which to live, in such a way that involves only spiritual growth, and not any sort of material gain. Not saying that they are mutually exclusive, bot in many cases there would seem to be some conflict of interest.
Thanks so much for your follow up comment; I really appreciate it. It takes a long time to make these kinds of changes, and some people never get it.
To be frank, my first two posts were made before I had even *seen* the video. I was basing my comments on what I heard heard about it and, mostly, what I had heard people saying about it.
However, when I actually watched the video it was way worse than I ever thought.
It sounds, looks, feels, and in every way is packaged, as an informercial promising the secret to instant riches and happiness.
It makes ridiculous assertions about a scientific basis which simply are not true.
In fact, it makes statement after statement that people are blindly following (and quoting) as 'facts' when they are just random made up crap.
And, what sent shivers down my spine, was when one of the characters was brought on the video to 'witness' his success with the method. To account for his expert status it was explained by the fact that he had a multi-million dollar house and a beautiful wife.
I don't mind anyone getting turned onto a spiritual world view. And I don't necessarily expect them to abandon on material goods in the world but, BY NO MEANS, is the acquisition of material wealth in any way, shape, or form an affirmation of spirituality.
We couldn't agree more on this point.
Brother John
Wasn't it John Calvin that came up with the idea that one could never know if one was on the "A" list with God, but an indication was one's earthly success? That is, if one was successful in one's Earthly life, then it was an indication that one would be so blessed after death.
No, it's not exactly the same thing, but I mentioned it to show that perhaps the kind of people who believe that The Secret has any real meaning have always been with us.
I have never read such rubbish in my life.. I dont like Oprah Winfrey myself, But I'm sure as heck, I will not promote or agree with such wiccan save-the-trees love thy neighbor, and perverse paragraphs and statements such as what you inserted in your blog. You belong to the shriners, in which... ta-dah, you are a freemason.. How can you really be a Freemason which such statements.. You are a Grand Lodge Mason, I suppose, who really doesn't know the secrets of Freemasonry and never experienced real and true initiation, plus.. correct me if i'm wrong, (which I would have to be right, or I wouldnt bother to comment on your sorry, pitiful blog,) pay for initiations..
Sir, I dont know who you are from Adam, but Please do not make your blogs public.. You would be as much as a laughingstock as Rush Limbaugh..
I have no idea what you are talking about. All my post said was that 'hoping and praying' for material things was bad/immoral and 'hoping and praying' for the benefit of mankind is good and wholesome.
If you have a problem with that, I just don't get it.
Done a somewhat extensive study of what I call MK-OPRAH.
This is a highly complex matter and I will certainly not do it justice in a quick blog comment.
There are many influential New Age cultists-media icons like Oprah (who has links to Scientology - a destructive totalitarian cult as per many government reports in Europe) and Madonna. These two women are serious left-hand path Kabbalists ala Aleister Crowley (as you state in your post).. It appears the base of operations for type of indoctrination is the Kaballah Center in Los Angeles.
Now, to the uninitiated secularist who does not understand how the "occult" component in fascism works all this may all sound absurd. Regardless, it does indeed exists and is a serious force to be reckoned with.
Ms. Winfrey's production company (and Ms. Winfrey's first name backwards) is, Harpo, which is the Greek/Egyptian god Harpocrates. In occult literature Harpocrates arguably indicates identification with Baphomet or The Sabbatic Goat, also known as the Goat of Mendes.
In Kenneth Grant's Typhonian manifestation (or current) of the OTO Ordo Templi Orientis), Harpocrates (the god of silence) is associated with the child god Horus, whose feminine aspect is Typhon (or Set in the masculine manifestation).
The Egyptian god Set, according to US Army psychological warfare expert (see his From Psyop to Mind War: the Psychology of Victory paper available online), former Church of Satan member and Temple of Set founder Lt. Col Michael Aquino, is the closest correspondence to the Hebrew Satan.
It may be instructive to study Aldous Huxley's 1962 speech given at UC Berkeley (available online) in order to understand some of the larger forces at work here.