The Greater Saint Louis Pirate's Festival

Today I took my family to attend the first annual Greater Saint Louis Pirate's Festival. It was lovely and I got to see the "Limey Birds" yet once again. I was most pleased to spend time listening to the group 'Shillelagh Law'. I took the time, once again, to take a selection of photographs of the days events as a record for a memory and, in this case, to share with the artists at the event.
This morning Lake Saint Louis held approximately a 100 garage sales. My wife held one too and within a short period of time I had spent far more money than she earned with her own. In fact, I'm fairly sure I brought as much booty back into the house as she was able to unload.
My biggest score was when I purchased three full boxes of piano sheet music from a piano teacher for my daughter. The price of three full boxes was only $25, about the same as a *single* book of sheet music at a music store. It included many extremely old pieces, clearly antiques, with beautiful illustrations.
Tomorrow I am spending the day with my father. On Monday I will be attending my first Grand Lodge session and on Tuesday I will spend yet more time with my father. I am taking two days off of work. Dad doesn't know how much time he has left and it is important to spend time together while he is still healthy enough to get out and about.
Please enjoy the photographs. If you have no interest in seeing photographs of strangers than just ignore this post and wait for another day.
Here is the link to the photographs I took at the Greater Saint Louis Renaissance Faire earlier this year.
First weekend
Second weekend visit
