The Greater Saint Louis Renaissance Faire

As I said in my last post, well, the weekend ain't over yet. I suppose it is now as I am typing this message.. but you know what I mean. Today I wanted to go to the Renaissance Faire. It is a personal annual tradition that I quite enjoy. My goal each year is to eat a roasted Turkey Leg and, in that, I succeeded. The sad part is that I couldn't get a single person from my family to go with me. It seems they feel they have long since grown out of the event. I was told by my children and even my wife that they thought it was boring. They just wanted to stay home and go swimming, and this is exactly what they did. For myself, I ate a Turkey Leg, I drank two pints of Bass Pale Ale, I watched a joust, saw many lovely, lovely, costumed women, listened to celtic music, participated with an acrobatic troupe, and laughed as I heard the Limey Birds perform. I am not the kind of person who actually dresses up for these sorts of things, however, I am the kind of person who absolutely *loves* the people who do.
I can only imagine how strange my friend Adam Moravanszky will find these photographs. I hope he is as envious of my bizarre Renaissance Faire as I am envious of his city's tradition of dressing everyone up as Santa Claus and parading the streets drunk each year.
Today I really wanted to try out my wife's new digital camera. It has a 1gb memory card and I can take 2.5 pictures a second with it. I love being able to take hundreds of 8 megapixel images in rapid fire fashion and later culling the wheat from the chaff. As I upload a subset here onto blogger's image hosting service I kind of think of this as my own personal akashic record. Of course, I have no legally binding agreement with blogger so I can only hope that they will keep these images online for time immemorial.

A vision of humor, wit, and beauty.

The Limey Birds perform to a packed house (if you can call a forest a house).

The Queen of France

The Queen of France

A very tired nobleman

My favorite Limey Bird again.

A juggler dressed as one of Tracy Butler's furry friends.

The King of France (for the Wentzville Missouri)

The Bishop and the Ladies from Limey Birds. This pose was so perfect I had to upload both shots.

The Bishop and the Ladies from Limey Birds. This pose was so perfect I had to upload both shots.

The Limey Birds chilling between performances.

The Aerial Angels posing with me.

Somehow I managed to become part of the act.

The aerial angels at work.

The aerial angels at work.

Dressing the part.

Dressing the part.

A celtic group performing.

A celtic group performing.

Dressing the part.

The tournament

The tournament

The tournament

The tournament

Dancing just for me.

A not too subtle Monty Python reference.

Dressed for something...
Charity Limey here...just stumbled across your blog. Just wanted to thankyou for all the wonderful things you said about us.
See you next year!