Well, a few days ago I set up a webcounter on my site. I was curious who, if anyone, actually visits this site besides Adam, John, John, Rob, and a few of my other friends. Typically I don't even update my weblog very frequently, though I have been updating more of late.
I was rather shocked to find out that over a several day trend this weblog is getting something like 80 hits a day, which seems remarkably high to me. I get the bulk of my visitors from the United States, with a substantial number more from Canada. Then there are some from Switzerland and Sweden, where we have offices, so I guess that makes sense. But, for the life of me, I'm not sure where the bulk of the traffic is coming from.
I do know that Google owns Blogger and probably has a perference for website rankings. I know that the number one hit on Google for my name has been this site for quite some time. Perhaps a lot of the traffic comes from people who are just doing websearches.
I know I have been involved in some degree of controversy with the whole CARM / AARM thing so perhaps that draws some traffic, I'm not entirely sure.
On the one hand, it seems odd to me that people who don't know me would read my blog. Then again, I occasionaly ramble on about semi-interesting topics, be it Freemasonry or religion in general, so I guess there could be some appeal.
As I have said before, and will continue to say again, the main purpose of this blog is as an adjunct for my weak and pathetically flawed memory. Since I just transferred some new pictures from my camera this morning, I decided I might as well upload them to serve that purpose.
Blogger now supports photo hosting. I don't know if they have some kind of limit or not, but I'm going to take advantage of the feature for at least this post.
Here are some pictures mostly from the Halloween party at the Lake Saint Louis CA where our friends Max Thrust played a gig. The costumes were great and I snapped a few photos of them.
An interesting costume the Halloween Party at the CA
Lauren at the symphony
The roof of Powell Symphony hall.
The orchestra getting warmed up.
DeMolay State Installation
New Temple
New Temple

The blue lodge room at the New Temple
I was rather shocked to find out that over a several day trend this weblog is getting something like 80 hits a day, which seems remarkably high to me. I get the bulk of my visitors from the United States, with a substantial number more from Canada. Then there are some from Switzerland and Sweden, where we have offices, so I guess that makes sense. But, for the life of me, I'm not sure where the bulk of the traffic is coming from.
I do know that Google owns Blogger and probably has a perference for website rankings. I know that the number one hit on Google for my name has been this site for quite some time. Perhaps a lot of the traffic comes from people who are just doing websearches.
I know I have been involved in some degree of controversy with the whole CARM / AARM thing so perhaps that draws some traffic, I'm not entirely sure.
On the one hand, it seems odd to me that people who don't know me would read my blog. Then again, I occasionaly ramble on about semi-interesting topics, be it Freemasonry or religion in general, so I guess there could be some appeal.
As I have said before, and will continue to say again, the main purpose of this blog is as an adjunct for my weak and pathetically flawed memory. Since I just transferred some new pictures from my camera this morning, I decided I might as well upload them to serve that purpose.
Blogger now supports photo hosting. I don't know if they have some kind of limit or not, but I'm going to take advantage of the feature for at least this post.
Here are some pictures mostly from the Halloween party at the Lake Saint Louis CA where our friends Max Thrust played a gig. The costumes were great and I snapped a few photos of them.

Max Thrust performing at the Halloween Party
Wowza! Jeff's lovely wife Kelly as Marilyn Monroe
More Max Thrust, Dave McNiel on vocals
Go go dancer and Snow White, makes perfect sense.

The blue lodge room at the New Temple
Freemason Information
Masonic Journal