Ok, now that I have a web counter on my site and realize I am getting 80 hits a day, I figure I better feed the monkey with a new post every now and then. Even if the post is just trivia. And pictures too, let's not forget the pictures. This Saturday I took my nephew Charlie to attend the Sword of Bunker Hill at the incredible Freemason lodge in Louisianna, Missouri. It was the first time I got to go inside the main lodge room and it one of the most impressive I have ever seen. The pillars at each end are massive and quite impressive, as are the large leather bound chairs. I took a few photographs and have included them above.
When I was researching the traffic to my site I found that some guy (and I won't help him out by linking his site) has a link to my weblog. The thing is, I don't know who he is. What is even more strange is that he also hyperlinks about ten of my good friends, none of whom know who he is either. I contacted my friend David Metzener, who has is a real web guru and he has a theory. He noticed that layout of this guy's website was exactly identical to his old format. He thinks the guy just stole his template outright and didn't even bother to edit the hyperlinks. I have emailed the person who has the site and sent two messages and he refuses to respond.
His site gets a lot of traffic because, apparently, his main activity is posting links to soft-core pornography. I certainly find it odd that I may be drawing traffic from a soft-core porn site. I can assure you, there is nothing all that provocative here unless you like to see fat middle aged men wearing aprons and funny hats.
On Friday we had our company Christmas party. It was a classy affair in a reallly upscale bowling alley and bar. Afterwards I went to another Christmas party at our friends Patty and Marty Solomon's house.
Saturday I took my nephew Charlies to "The Sword of Bunker Hill" which is a patriotic Masonic order. Their degree work talks about the contributions of Freemasons in the American Revolutionary War. It is a very inspirational ritual and the initiation ceremony is designed to impress upon the candidate the sacrifice of our forefathers and the importance of humility. I think Charlie had a great time and, anyway, I got a 4th emblem for my car so it's all evened out now.
Saturday night I went to see the new Narnia movie and was blown away! I honestly believe it is the best movie, in the history of movies, ever made of a classic piece of literature. I think they had the right ingredients to make it happen. First, technology has advanced enough that they could visualize the imagary from the book and, second, the book itself is quite short. So, not only was it unnecessary to leave anything out, they even added some additional elements as well. I won't get into the whole Christian allegory thing. This is a beloved children's book I remember fondly from my childhood and the book and film speak for themselves. You can take any book ever made that pits good versus evil and speaks of self-sacrifice, honor, and duty and call it "Christian parable".
I'm not sure if someone who didn't have fond memories of the book would enjoy the film. Nevertheless, I was thrilled and can't wait to see it a second time.
Now, today, it is Sunday and I just returned from listening to the Christmas concert put on my my daughter's high school band (awesome as usual) and taking my family out to an early meal. I'm trying to decide if I want to go to school of instruction tonight. I'm not sure.