I know I haven't posted anything for a while. The things 'going on' in my life are not subjects I typically talk about here. I'm working at my job, trying to get our product to ship. Nothing more to say than that. I still have an ongoing family crisis. The situation is stabalized for the moment, but it still consumes a lot of my time. It's not a topic I mind discussing with my friends, it's just not appropriate to bring up on a blog site.
I did have fun following the Cardinals winning streak, that is until they followed it up with an embarassing losing streak. I have tickets to the Cardinals / Cubs game a week from Sunday at Bush. That should be a blast and a half!
My super giant tripod screen showed up and..wow..it's *HUGE*. I was concerned it wouldn't seem that much bigger than my old one. Afterall, what's really the difference between a 6 foot screen and an 8 foot screen? Well, 36 square feet versus 64, that's what. I can't wait to try to strap it to the front of my boat. What a wild ride that will be. It should be perfect for outdoor movie showings. In the house it virtually fills all of one side of the room, and I can't even open it up all of the way. My 16mm friend Eric bought my old 6ft tripod screen, so that worked out nicely.
Since I have nothing to talk about, today I will leave you with an image I saw on another web site and found amusing.
I did have fun following the Cardinals winning streak, that is until they followed it up with an embarassing losing streak. I have tickets to the Cardinals / Cubs game a week from Sunday at Bush. That should be a blast and a half!
My super giant tripod screen showed up and..wow..it's *HUGE*. I was concerned it wouldn't seem that much bigger than my old one. Afterall, what's really the difference between a 6 foot screen and an 8 foot screen? Well, 36 square feet versus 64, that's what. I can't wait to try to strap it to the front of my boat. What a wild ride that will be. It should be perfect for outdoor movie showings. In the house it virtually fills all of one side of the room, and I can't even open it up all of the way. My 16mm friend Eric bought my old 6ft tripod screen, so that worked out nicely.
Since I have nothing to talk about, today I will leave you with an image I saw on another web site and found amusing.