Last evening I took a bunch of kids out on the boat for our first movie showing of the season. It was a bit cool, but we all bundled up and enjoyed "Lady and the Tramp" together. Here are some photographs to accompany some of my more recent blog posts. Each photograph hyperlinks to a fullsize image.
Our 7foot tripod movie screen on the front of the boat.
As the sun sets on the lake, it's finally dark enough to start the movie.
Solar panel soaking up the juice. My Eiki 16mm SL-0 ready to roll with a hyper-zoom lens.
Here's a photograph of the kids watching the movie. Taken with a flash, it was pitch black at the time the photo was taken.
Another shot, with boat pilot juice in the foreground.
A great photograph of the film projected at night. Note the lights reflecting off of the lake in the background.
As I explained before, I got this movie 'cheap' (only $350) because of the english subtitles. This snapshot captured the absolute perfect line in the movie.
A great long shot of the movie projected at night.
We have a *very* strange cat.
Another photograph of our contortionist comatose cat.
The view from our great seats at the Cardinals game last weekend
My son Johnny and I at the game.
My son Johnny.
Another great picture of my kid.
