The UFO / Freemason Connection

What a nice bit of synchronicity this morning. You may recall my favorite crazy guy in the bloggosphere, Eric Dubay . A couple of months ago he wrote the most hysterically funny piece ever about Freemasons and UFOs . As coincidence would have it I happen to be a Freemason who is 'in to' UFOs so, as always, life imitates art. Anyone who has followed my UFO rants over the years knows by now that I am very anti-UFO and pro-Humanity. I suppose I'm not towing the party line. Just today Eric posted links to two YouTube videos that someone created based on his original posting. I don't know if the person who made the YouTube videos is making fun of Eric or not (I think he probably is) but either way it is terribly entertaining. Please enjoy. Here are the links to the two vidoes. Freemasons and UFOs part 1 Freemasons and UFOs part 2