My Final 'Secret' post, I swear

I have a confession to make. For three evenings I have made posts about this 'The Secret' crap. Tonights post makes the fourth in a row and, I promise (I hope) will be the last. My confession is that for the first two posts I had never actually even seen 'The Secret' movie. I had only read online commentary about it and, most disconcerting, the Oprah fan-girls who were jumping up and down about how 'true it was' and 'how it would change their life'. I figured that was enough for me to pass comment. Last night I watched the first twenty minutes online on Google video and my assessment was largely confirmed. However, today, I received my copy of the full video in the mail. Yes, I actually paid about $26 to buy this DVD. I bought it because I wanted to know just what was going out into popular culture. I watched it this evening and I am simply appalled. I would be thrilled if 'The Secret' was only half as bad as my first post had indicated. In my fi...