So which religions do openly accept Free Masons in their church as members?

I just received the question "So which religions do openly accept Free Masons in their church as members? " in a comment to one of my previous blog posts. This is certainly an interesting question, though I think it would be easier to list the ones that openly *reject* Freemasonry, as they are easier to identify. The single religion at the top of the list which is opposed to Freemasonry is Catholicism. This has a lot to do with history and the fact that the Enlightenment ideas in Freemasonry largely came about in response to the ideological oppression of the Roman Catholic Church in past centuries. Freemasonry and the rise of protestantism also have a lot in common. Today the Catholic Church is still 'officially' against Freemasonry and has reaffirmed that position fairly recently. That said, few Catholics actually abide by every rule and regulation set forth by the Roman Catholic Church. For example, the RC still says you shouldn't use condoms but I'm ...