Ok, a lot of people have been wondering why I haven't updated my blog since my trip. I haven't updated it because I haven't had the time. My intention is to make a single, very large entry, that covers a lot of material. My primary goal is to upload a large photo-library of not only my trip but other activities in recent months.
I did end up getting to Zurich and, yes, I did miss my tours. However, on Wenseday, which was my birthday, we ended up doing the tour I originally planned. We held our meetings on the train and at a cafe in Lucern. It was well worth it, because Mount Pilatus was breathtaking. I took many photographs which I plan to upload. However, the simple fact is, that when you take something which is so breathaking as the natural beauty of the Alps looking like they are floating in outer space above the cloud deck, and then try to cram it onto a flat photograph it does little to convey the majesty of the scene.
My friend Simon and his lovely girlfriend was so kind and generous as to throw a fantastic birthday party for me the evening. Simon has set up a movie theatre in his basement, replete with actual movie theatre seating. We watched "Adaptation" on DVD, one of my favorite films.
This evening I became a dual member of the Napathali lodge #25. I took a few photographs which I will be uploading.
On Saturday evening I am sponsoring the Halloween showing for the movie collectors club I am called "The Saturday Night Screening Room." I will be showing my perfect print of "Beetlejuice" as well as a couple of cartoon shorts.
If you can make it, let me know, I would love to have a full audience.
This is all I have for a quickie post tonight. I will try very hard to make a proper update over the weekend, either tomorrow night or on Sunday.