I love that my weblog used to just scroll backwards in time. This blog is as much for me as anybody else, and just like looking through and old photo album I like to just scroll through page after page.

However, I think I have hit the upper edge. I now have a number of years of posts and if they are all put on a single web page it pretty much begins to croak most web-browsers just trying to load it.

So, today I am going to reset it so it only keeps up the most recent ten posts at a time. If you want to go back in time, you can use the 'archives' pages.


Lynn said…
...And the memory chips of tired, cranky old CPUs glanced up at their penny-pinching blog reader/owners and gave a soft sigh of relief.

Let us rejoice and celebrate that day of rest!


P.S. Good to see your blog active again, John. I missed you during that long stretch of silence. :)

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