Getting my Priorities Straight

I made a decision last night that I am going to sell my 16mm film collection. I have enjoyed it immensely over the years and it has been great fun to host many showings. However, today I realized that it is more important that my family be able to enjoy a nice vacation than for me to have a bunch of films in storage.
It took me many years, and many thousands of dollars, to accumulate this fine collection. Over the holidays I plan to start selling them on Ebay or to any private parties who are interested.
The image above shows most of my feature films, but I have a few others that aren't on that list.
My feature films include:
"101 Dalmations", near mint LPP
"Lady and the Tramp", near mint LPP with captions
"Secret of Nimh", LPP but with heavy wear.
"Pinocchio", LPP near mint
"The Little Mermaid", LPP near mint
"The Last Starfighter", LPP near mint
"The Court Jester", Technicolor, breathtaking color, some splices, wear at beginning and end of reels, but still a great print.
"Mr Mom", LPP near mint, edited for content.
"Empire of the Sun", mind blowing print, LPP, mint, perfect print.
"Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure", LPP, reel one is scope, near mint, minor wear a few brief lines.
"It's a Wonderful Life", black and white, great contrast and focus, some splices, little wear. A truly fantastic print of this classic film.
"The Wizard of Oz", black and white reel excellent, color on reel 2 is good, color on reel 3 somewhat faded.
"Ghostbusters", LPP, scope, near mint except for some minor intermittent green lines.
"Bettlejuice", LPP, near mint condition, amazing print.
"King Kong", black and white, poor contrast and heavy wear.
"Back to the Future", LPP, near mint
"Dumbo", reel one technicolor, amazing color. Moderate to heavy wear. Reel two somewhat faded. Captioned.
"Kung Fu", LPP the original TV movie with David Carradine, near mint condition print
"Reveng of the Nerds", LPP, near mint, edited for content.
In addition to these films I have a huge collection of cartoons, including some great classics. If you want to contact me about buying any of these films before I list them for auction, feel free to do so at this email address.
A clip of my "It'A Wonderful Life' print on YouTube. Or, click on this link to view the full resolution file.
Here is a video clip of a portion of my print of 'Mickey's Christmas Carol'. The green emulsion line only shows up at the beginning of the reel and clears up soon after. Overall the color, focus, density, and clarity of this print is exceptional. You can also stream the full resolution version of the clip from this link.