"Lost" secrets are finally revealed!

Last night's episode of 'Lost' finally revealed the basic structure of their entire mythology. I have suspected, for a long time, that the ultimate explanation was going to revolve around the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics and, sure enough, that is what was revealed last evening.
In the latest episode we encounter parallel lives, parallel realities, shifts in consciousness between the two of them and we also were introduced to a character, as physics professor, performing hard scientific research into the phenomena. A scientific sheen has now been cast over every Fortean strangeness we have encountered to date.
I have to say that I am quite pleased that my suspicions all along have been confirmed and I look forward to watching the show evolve from this point forward.
This isn't the first time that TV has dabbled into quantum reality weirdness (Sliders, Journeyman), but is is certainly being done at the highest level of story telling.
What I am particularly looking forward to in upcoming episodes is how they mix the spiritual side of things with their scientific framework. For example, in last evening's episode, it was fascinating to hear the physics professor stick a deep bond of love between two characters into a constant variable of a quantum mechanics equation.
This all reminds me of reading the Seth books which promote an entirely spiritual world view which is expressed in a Universe which conforms to the many worlds view of quantum mechanics. In Seth Speaks he talks about how what we do in this reality may have ripple effects in copies of ourselves in other parallel realities as well as across time.
If you would like to read a book by Seth which really delves into these concepts I recommend 'The Unknown Reality Volume 2'
Here is a review from Amazon.com that I think best describes the work:
Intended for advanced Seth readers, this manuscript delves into the soul/time/space conundrum as well as the connection between dreams and parallel realities.
While the Seth information was channeled forty years ago, I consider Seth to be the father of the new age and self-help movement. Far from some pat oversimplification of how we create reality, Seth leads the reader, step by step, into the incredibly complex nature of the soul and how we are all ultimately connected with each other, God.
I read and reread, probably only a few pages at a time, as the material is so spiritually stimulating yet thick with new information that it must be digested (at least for me) a little at a time. The authenticity of the material is indisputable making this (as well as all Seth books) an essential read for any sincere seeker.