Just a few kooks?

Brother Tom Accuosti said in response to my last post:
Take a pill, John, you're over-heating. Don't forget that the OT is essentially the same as the Torah; how many Jewish communities condone slavery?
Rather than blaming the Bible - and truly, one must also remember that somehow millions of Christians manage to not develop the blood-thirsty and reactionary practices that you're describing - perhaps you might want to look at sociological components for groups that are all too willing to take "permission" for such actions in their peculiar interpretation of ancient scriptures.
I'm just saying, you know?
As always, I really appreciate it when Brother Tom comments on the rambling things I say in this edge of cyberspace. And, perhaps I should take a chill pill. Any time I do make a post with an emotional edge to it, it is usually because I happened to be in a mood at the time which quickly passes. Then again, if I only made posts when I was calm, happy, and relaxed this blog would become very boring (or at least a lot more boring) than it already is.
My reply to Tom is as follows:
Tom, apparently you have not seen the documentary 'Jesus Camp'.
My concern is not with the warm and fuzzy Christian's (you kow 'liberals') but the ones who believe every single word of the Bible is the unquestionable word of God; especially those devout followers who eat, breath, and live for the Old Testament.
I am speaking of the followers who say Christ’s name only as a word of power, yet never follow his teachings and practices and label those who do as 'damned liberals'.
Those who literally believe the Earth was created 6,000 years ago.
Those who reject all of science, including evolution, cosmology, and physics in general.
Those who teach their own children these lies at home, rather than giving them access to a decent education in the public school system; a social institution that was largely championed by Freemasons and is exemplified in DeMolay ritual.
And, finally, those who damn faster than they forgive.
This is not some 'fringe' group. Have you ever been to a mega-church? I have. It's a rather frightening experience.
They are called 'mega-churches' for a reason. They have long since dispensed with the authentic message of Jesus Christ and have replaced it with right-wing rhetoric, political posturing, and the high spiritual goal of materiaism replete with the accumulation of personal wealth, possessions and selfish desires.
Their sermons exhort how you can get a new car, bigger house, and fulfill your greatest materialistic dreams simply be 'trusting in God', 'asking Jesus for it' and, of course, funneling your desires through the consent and advice of the ministry. They never speak of tolerance, charity, humility, peace, love, understanding, and, did I mention tolerance? Anyone who believes in anything other than their personal brand of right-wing faith is labelled a damned sinner; and that these or the ones they should be at war with.
They preach that they are each personally responsible for 'warning' these infidels about their impending trip to hell if they don't go out on an get 'saved'; and by 'saved' they mean adopting their specific rigid and dogmatic belief. No Lutheran is saved and neither is any Catholic. And don't get started on Jews and Muslims who they vilify openly in their Churches. In their eyes, if you aren't an evangelical Christian you are not a Christian at all.
This is not a fringe group, it is massive and huge and makes a deep and lasting impact on our culture. This group elected George Bush to two terms and still worships him as a great prophet.
These are people who literally believe that the rapture will occur 'any day now' and have a cavalier attitude about our future on this planet.
They denounce global warming as a myth promoted by evil liberals.
They reject *all* other forms of religion and rarely consider anyone who is not an evangelical Christian a Christian at all. They will tell you with an absolutely straight face, with complete and sincere belief, that no Catholic in America is a Christian.
So, no, I don't think I am blowing this out of proportion. I just have been largely silent on the topic for a while. My concern has always remained the same.
Tolerating someone else’s religion, and their ability to believe whatever they want to believe is one thing. However, when they cross the line and control our politics, affect our school systems, destroy our environment, and spread ignorance to their poor brainwashed children, it is time to become concerned.
Even worse, they believe that everyone is a damned to eternal hell and torture, who does not fall to their knees, profess that they were 'saved' by Jesus Christ, speak in tongues and subscribe to their very demanding and dogmatic ideology.
I am not speaking as an outsider here. I have been within these types of churches many times. As a student of comparative religions I believe strongly in not just reading about other beliefs systems but also by attending their services and rituals.
No, this is not a handful of kooks. This is the future of our nation.

Another sign of the coming Apocalypse, I'm sure.
John, I haven't seen Jesus Camp, but I have heard a bit about it. I dont' even know what to make of it because the idea seems so ridiculous that when I'd first read about it, I was convinced that it was a parody site, a la Betty Bowers, etc.
Living in New England, the most religious intolerance we experience is the running feud between the old-time Catholics and whatever Protestant denomination happens to be big in the neighborhood. Yes, I run into some Fundies, and once in a while I meet somebody who doesn't believe in evolution, or has a more literal belief in the Bible. So I will acknowledge that my perspective on this is different from those of you who live in areas in which the choice is between Christian Fundamentalists and extreme Christian Fundamentalists.
I may have to block out some time and actually watch this video.
Tom Accuosti
The Tao of Masonry
It appears the blog site is advertising the Secret and The Secret paraphanalia at the top of your page.
Seems a little surreal to be reading a blog on why The Secret is tripe, and be surrounded by ad's for "The Secret", 'free' "The Secret" newsletters, online "The Secret" courses, etc.
Reason Magazine had a great sidebar article on this. I've been hoping for them to put it online at reason.com, but so far it hasn't turned up.
Tom Accuosti
The Tao of Masonry is now on Wordpress.