Well, not that I post that often anyway, but this will be my last post for over a week. I am leaving for the Game Developer's Conference tomorrow. I'm supposed to attend some DirectX talks on Tuesday, then have tons of meetings on Wednesday and Thursday. On Friday I am going to San Francisco to visit with my friend John Obershelp. We will do the whole San Fransisco thing on Friday and Saturday and I fly back on Sunday.

Last night I had my movie showing for SNSR. It went very well. I had about 12 people in attendence, including David Whately and Ashley Ellis. Some SNSR people made it, and the film was very well received. I had a slight projector problem on the first reel, where the film was stuttering a bit. However, I switched projectors for the last two reels and it ran fine.

That's about all the news that's fit to print. I'll try to take some photographs on my trip to California so I can update my blog when I return.


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