I don't have a whole lot to say. I'm just bumping my previous post. I'm now finished with my third week at my new job, and I'm beginning to make some progress and feel like I am contributing a bit more. Next week the company is having me fly out to a business meeting, which will be fun. I enjoy business travel. My friends who travel constantly have a different view but, for me, it's always nice to take a break from programming a computer all day.

Today I stopped by and visited my friends at Simutronics. I kind of let them know what my new job is all about; and one very exciting thing is that I will actually be able to provide some technology to their product as part of my new job. It's really cool working for a company that is primarily acting as a technology provider for the games industry. I am not a direct competitor with anybody, yet, at the same time, I get to help contribute to many products and meet lots of people. Some of the specific technologies we are targeting have immediate and real uses for a product in development at Simutronics so that is really fun for me. I like my new job but, right away, I miss interacting with artists and being directly involved in the development of a specific game title.

Now, changing topics, last Saturday I attended the Saturday Night Screening Room presentation of the Paul Neuman movie "HUD". The president of the group, Phil Steinberg, was presenting. It was my first time going to one of Phil's screenings and I was *extremely* impressed. He converted his entire basement into a movie theatre. He probably has seating for almost 30 people in an actual movie theatre setting. He has runner lights, a marque, beautiful decorations, movie posters, and a projection booth behind glass. I was blown away!! Someday I'll have a theatre that nice of my own.

On March 20th, I will be sponsoring the Saturday Night Screening Room in my home. I will be presenting my mint condition print of "Empire of the Sun" by Steven Spielberg. This print is in such perfect condition it is the textbook definition of 'mint'. Please mark you calender if you can come. It's a truly wonderful film.

During Phil's screening he showed a trailer for "Ghostbusters", which I own in scope. So I volunteered to show that around Halloween this year. I also talked about another possible summer showing but this time actually *on my boat*! For the entire film club! I will have to get some of my friends to volunteer their pontoon boats, but I'm sure that won't be a problem. We have decided to show a scope print of "Jaws" while floating on the Lake!! My friend Naushad, in South Africa, is (allegedly) sending me a copy.

That's all the news that's fit to print at this time. Hey, at least I bumped the old post.


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