Well, I had a lot of fun setting up my website. I found a webhosting service that lets you add all kinds of doo-dads to your site. Currently, if you go to some of the sidebar links, it will cause pop-ups to occur. However, I just paid for the premium service and in a day or two that should stop.

Of all the services offered, the ones I like the most are the mailing list and polls. I'm looking forward to getting a movie mailing list of my friends together so I can email them when a new showing is coming up. I like the polls because I can put up a new poll before a movie showing to let people vote on what they want to watch, and I can put up another poll afterwards so people can let me know what they thought about it.

It sounds like it's going to be fun. Once my website settles into shape I hope to get on a more normal posting schedule. I had a few folks drop by from one of the 16mm film forums today so, hopefully, this will be a great opportunity to meet some other collectors and exchange advice.


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