A new post to make the old post scroll further down the hopper; speaking of the hopper let me introduce Jeremy Vaeni

I feel really self conscious about the rambling and highly personal blog post I made last night so, this evening, I decided that I would invade the privacy of someone else by posting their own personal crap. If you check the time of this post you will see that it is 3am. Suffering from insomnia I was cruising Facebook and cyberstalking my favorite alien abductee, woops, pardon me, I mean experiencer of high strangeness. Jeremy was tagged with one of those grade school quizzes that used to get passed around. As always, Jeremy's thoughtful commentary is as insightful as it is amusing. Please enjoy... Vaenology ***********FOODOLOGY****** ********* 1. What is your salad dressing of choice? Blue Cheese or Green Goddess. But what's a salad? 2. What is your favorite sit-down restaurant? Uno's. Really, anywhere with free refills. 3. What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of? I went a week on New England clam chowder...I'll bet I could go two. 4. Wha...