Unwraveling Eric

I decided a while ago I would lay off on posting about Eric Dubay but, honestly, I cannot completely refrain. I am still subscribed to his blog which fills my newsreader with a daily dose of incoherent and convoluted rambling madness. In the past few days he has spent untold numbers of hours writing posts about numerology as it relates to 9-11 and what he believes are Masonic conspiracies. His posts are interesting to read as a raw demonstration of the power of a deranged mind. All you can think as you read it is how can someone find time for such a thing? His three most recent posts demonstrate a kind of obsession that, to be frank, appears to me to be more than slightly pathological. Decide for yourself. Here are links to the relevant posts. 9-11 Symbolism in Hollywood (by far the most entertaining) 9-11 Numerology (9+1+1=11 which multiplied times 12 and divided by 15 + 6 squared......) 9-11 Masonic Symbology At one point in the most recent post Eric asks the reader the follow...