How would you have responded? A question for the craft.

As I have mentioned before on this blog, I get a lot of traffic to this site from candidates interested in joining Freemasonry. Almost all of the time I have really good answers for their questions and I am happy to send them off on their quest. Occasionally I get follow up replies after they have joined and this kind of correspondence is always satisfying. Today I received a very difficult question from a candidate that I did not know how to adequately respond to. It is especially poignant as it comes at a time when we just nominated the first African American as a presidential candidate. I am going to include the original email I received, though I will not mention the candidates name. I will follow with my response. I am very curious to hear from my Internet brethren how you would have responded to this email. Please leave your responses in the comment section of this post. From the candidate: "Hi, My name is John Doe , I live in Somehwhere Town, NC. I have a question f...