Taking advantage of the Internet

As I'm sure you know by now, the Internet is a squirmy beast. I kind of 'put myself out there' by posting so much stuff online. In return the creepy-crawly search engines build references and cross-references to every word I type and every picture I post. When a few weeks ago I made a post about the 'Limey Birds' and a few days later I was the number three hit on Google for that phrase I knew I was on to something.

I have a piece of property in Lake of the Ozarks I would like to sell. I originally bought it with the idea that I would retire there and, if not, it would make a good investment. Well, I have been rethinking things quite a bit and my wife and I are now considering just retiring here in Lake Saint Louis on our little baby lake. That leaves the property as nothing more than an investment. I'm sure it is still a great investment but now with the emotional aspect of thinking about 'retiring there' gone, it doesn't seem nearly as appealing. Moreover, I would like to be able to take my entire family on a nice vacation and it seems rather lame that I can't do so because I have a $100,000 piece of land in Lake of the Ozarks. I suppose we could have a vacation on our land but, as I mentioned before, I already live in a nice Lake community.

Today I spent some time and set up a website about the property. I included maps, photographs, and even a newspaper article. I know the Internet creepy-crawly search engines will start munching on that site real soon now. In a matter of days anyone who types a variation on the phrase 'Lake of the Ozarks Lakefront Property' is going to find my site. Or, I certainly hope so. They sure won't learn anything useful by looking at the MLS.

If you stumbled here because you are thinking of a private getaway at Lake of the Ozarks then feel free to go to my new site and learn about. Afterall, my kids want to go on a vacation...


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