Wow, I need to bump my blog. I was having fun ranting on that website last night. I was so proud of my rant that I emailed a copy to a friend of mine. Well, I wasn't surprised when my friend said he liked my post. Afterall, he is my friend. However, I was quite surprised when he forwarded it to half of the Freemasons in the state of Missouri! Oh my.

Now, I must admit, that the post was public to begin with. Nevertheless, it was on an obscure internet message forum that few people would have read. I got good feedback on it today, but it kind of came to the attention of some of the more senior people in the Masonic community. Men I haven't even yet met personally. I figure its a good thing I'm heading out of the country. I need to let things calm down.

Hey, it is New Years Eve! Happy New Years! This last year was great. I can only hope the next one is just as good. This evening my 12 year old son had a New Years Eve party with about five of his friends over. Now, it is 2am in the morning and my daughter has five of her girlfriends in the hot tub. Somehow, I'm not sure if it is safe for me to go to bed yet.

Tomorrow is my last day of vacation. I can't really seem to recall much of it. It went by very fast. I assume I am relaxed. According to the second or third law of thermodynamics I should be. I really feel like I got caught up on a lot of things. I did the DeMolay calendar and I set up a website. I got into a lot of of silly debates on the internet. I took my family out to dinner, saw movies, and made a lot of creme brulee. I suppose it was productive.

I leave for Paris on Tuesday for a little over a week. I hope the trip is very successful because I really want to be in a position to take more international trips. I find it quite a pleasant experience. I stack up books to read before every flight, knowing I will land a little more informed than when I started.

Any of you random people who read this weblog, even that strange fellow who keeps wandering in here from Iran, have a great New Years.

A final note to my international visitors. Here is a list of the locations of some frequent visitors to this blog:

Ile-de-france, Paris, France
Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Nanterre, Metz, France
Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Vestfold, Larvik, Norway
Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Hlavni Mesto Praha, Prague, Czech Republic
England, Preston, United Kingdom
Cataluña, Barcelona, Spain
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
England, London, United Kingdom
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Scotland, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

I get the ones from England. I am a frequent participant in a couple of European message forums and I think some of those guys read my blog. I know that Munkholt from that forum visits my blog because he leaves comments every now and then, and he is from Denmark. What really scratches my noggin is that I have a regular visitor from Iran. That realy intrigues me. I imagine, and have no way of knowing, that the person from the United Arab Emerites is a US serviceman who is a Mason and stumbled across my brain spew.

Since I have been commenting so much about Freemasonry on my blog for the past six months I am imagining that these international visitors might be Masons who read my posts out of curiosity. I would probably do the same. That makes me think. I don't know of anyone else who has been posting their Masonic journey, from initation to apologist, on their blog. I would enjoy reading that myself.

So, my international friends, from the Czech Republic, to Iran, to Germany, and Argentina, please post a comment to this blog entry. Tell me how you found my site. Why you bother to return, and if you kow of any other similar Masonic themed blogs you visit.

Finely my friends, may you Live in Peace. And may the God of Love and Peace delight to dwell with and bless you.


munkholt said…
Came from tfm

Other blogs:

Happy new year!
Thanks Munkholt! I checked out all three sites and they look fantastic. Much more impressive than my stream of consciousness ranting you find here.

Let me know if you find any others, I know I will be reading those on a regular basis now.

By the way, where is your blog? Aren't people from Denmark allowed to blog?
munkholt said…
Hm, no :(

I had a Masonic blog, but was asked to discontinue when I joined in November:
(the only part translated into English)

The Grand Lodge has a very strict policy about websites, and you will not even find pages for the lodges. On the positive side, they do run a very informative and professional site themselves. Once I get more into the swing of things, I intend to present my case and explain why they should let me resume the blog. But not just now.

Btw, there is also Erik's but it seems to have gone dormant:

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