A short blog entry. Over the weekend I bought a DVD recorder so I could transfer stuff from Tivo to permanent storage. So, finally, I was able to burn a DVD for my friend John Oberschelp of two TV episodes I have kept on hold for him for almost a year.

On Sunday we all went to the St. Louis Art Fair, or as I like to call it, went 'Art Hiking'. I walked for three hours and got my daily dose of exercise. The two most interesting things I saw were some landscape etchings that were the most detailed things I had ever seen in my life. Truly amazing. The other was a very interesting artist who does oil paintings which at first glance look like early renaissance pieces, however, when you look closer they are all oddly surreal. The most amazing feature was that the paintings are actually stitched together.

His process is to do a sketch for a painting, then cut it up into many pieces. He does this for several paintings and over the course of months paints the individual pieces as inspiration hits him. Finally he lacquers the sections and stitches them together with a sewing machine, both to put the painting back together again as well as to inject interesting patterns. Once sewn back together the paintings look seamless. Truly remarkable work.

Today I took my idea seriously and ordered a 50lb weight vest. Starting this weekend I will be going hiking with it, adding as much in weight each time as my total lost to date.

The 5am thing is still agreeing with me but it may be put to the test the next couple of days. Tonight I have tennis and only get home from my match a little after 10pm; and on Wednesday I am taking my daughter Lauren to a Cardinals baseball game. I doubt we will be able to stay for the entire game though.

I also transferred off of my Tivo two news stories that were done about the last project I worked on. In the first one, I am shown at my absolute fattest. Probably 250lbs or more. It isn't easy for me to watch. Also, the news story tended to be a bit too much about me personally, instead of the entire team. That is why the second news story doesn't mention or show me at all. I wanted to make sure the team got showcased. The stories are both very amusing, more so if you actually worked on the project and know the people involved. The files are 17mb windows media files each. I will probably leave them online for a week or so, then take them down.

KMOV news story on Planetside : http://www.infiniplex.net/~jratcliff/pside1.wmv
WB Channel 11 news story : http://www.infiniplex.net/~jratcliff/pside2.wmv

Lynn, regarding your couple of questions. My daughter plays the piano beautifully and plays the French Horn in concert band and the Mellophone in marching band. Regarding giving thought to working from home a few days a week, yeah, I've thought about that a lot. I just don't think it is fair considering everyone else has to make it into the office and most have nearly as bad a commute as I have. I feel like a whiney bitch on this topic. I know millions of Americans deal with rush hour traffic, obviously I'm not alone on that freeway, but I just don't have the coping skills to deal with it very well.

I imagine 5am in LA is brutal as well.


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